Which is the most realistic Cosplay you've ever seen in your life? ginger in braised chicken rice
瓢泼大雨 想叫打车叫成了代驾 那人来了之后和我对望了三十秒 我说你车呢 他说你车呢
It rained heavily and wanted to call a taxi. The man called a substitute driver. After he came, he looked at me for 30 seconds. I said your car. He said your car
Do you know why there is always a piano in the strange house in horror films?
因为 钢 琴 住了几个妖
Because there are several demons on the piano
An ant got lost and asked another ant, how do you go back to the ant nest? with a smile or silence?
有一个老奶奶她养了一只哈士奇取名哈哈有一天呢,这只哈士奇丢了然后老奶奶很心急 满大街的喊哈哈哈哈哈哈!
There was an old woman who raised a husky and named it haha. One day, the husky was lost. Then the old woman was very anxious and shouted all over the street haha!
The little girl who sells grenades. The little girl sells grenades on snowy days. As a result, people are busy with Christmas and no one buys her grenades at all. In the midst of hunger and cold, she thought of her kind grandmother. It was really cold. She opened a grenade and the whole town saw her grandmother that night
愚公临死前对着他儿子说:移山..移山.. 他儿子说:亮晶晶
Yugong said to his son before he died: move the mountain.. move the mountain.. his son said: Liangjingjing
What is Xiao Liu afraid of?
Xiao Liu is afraid of being busy
Because others will call him Xiao Liu busy
Friends have always advised me to marry a rich man. It's funny. Don't advise me, okay? Go to persuade the rich, I will!!
A hunter shot a fox, and then the hunter died. The fox said ha ha, I'm a reflection fox
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