
公司为啥一个员工都没有? Why does a company have no employees?


The company has no employees, and has not declared wages and social security. Generally, there are 3 situations:

1. 公司注册后,一直没有开展业务;

After the company registered, there has been no business operation;


Entrepreneurs registered a company impulsively, and there has been no business operation. As a shareholder of the company, they feel that there is no need to hire themselves.

2. 壳公司,仅用于签合同和开票;

It is a shell company, only used for signing contracts and invoicing;


The investor established several companies due to business needs. In order to facilitate management, the company puts employees under the name of one company, while other companies are mainly used to sign contracts and issue invoices.

3. 业务停滞的“僵尸公司”;

"Zombie companies" with stagnant business;


After some companies have been operating for a period of time, all employees are dismissed due to poor efficiency, but for various reasons, shareholders do not want to cancel the company, and want to raise the chance of activation in the future.


公司没有员工的情况能否长期存在? Can the company have no employees for a long time?


The above three situations all face the same problem: there are no employees under the company, no salary declaration, and no social security and housing provident fund payment. Long-term individual tax declarations are zero. Will this be a problem?


Regarding this question, the law does not stipulate that a company must hire employees immediately after its establishment, nor does it stipulate how long a company’s "no-employee status" can last.



However, with the assistance of "big data" and "Golden Tax System Phase IV", the tax supervision department will screen out companies that have not declared individual tax and social insurance for a long time, and remind government officials to conduct on-site surveys. If the company cannot give a reasonable explanation, it will be blacklisted.

公司没有员工,可能面对如下问题 The company has no employeesand may face the following problems

1. 如果“长亏不倒”,为什么要继续经营下去?

If it is a "long-term loss" enterprise, why should it continue to operate?


A company may have no income, but it is impossible to have no expenditure. At least there is an annual fee for a bank account, and under normal circumstances there are rent, office expenses, business entertainment, etc.


If these companies have neither income nor hired employees, long-term losses without going bankrupt (so-called "long-term losses do not go bankrupt"), the tax bureau will have the following suspicions:



Do you do business in private but fail to declare your income as required by the policy?


Did they pay employees privately, but did not declare their wages and social security?


Do you use the company to do some special purpose operations?


2. 公司有收入却没有员工,收入是怎么产生的?

The company has income but no employees. How does the income come from?


The company has income every month, but it has no employees. Of course, you can explain that performance is done by shareholders, and the law does not require shareholders to receive wages in the company.


However, such an explanation will inevitably be raised by the Tax Bureau as follows:


Is there a suspicion of illegally issuing invoices?


Did some fictitious business be used to deduct income tax?


Is it a fictitious bank statement and then run away after borrowing from a financial institution?


3. 如果公司注册地有人在办公,他们跟公司是什么关系?

If someone is working at the place where the company is registered, what is their relationship with the company?


As long as the company has a business license, it must have a registered address or office address. If the address is unoccupied for a long time, it is easy to be blacklisted when faced with on-site inspections by the industrial and commercial, taxation, labor bureau or bank.


If there are people in the venue, but not the shareholders themselves, what is the relationship between this person and the company?


If it is an employee, why didn't the labor contract be signed? Did not declare salary?


If it is a part-time job, why didn't you even declare a salary?

公司不宜超过6个月无在册员工 The company should not have no registered employees for more than 6 months


The above three questions are often used by the tax bureau to question companies that have no registered employees. Although a bit subjective, it is indeed a very realistic issue. In principle, it is not recommended that companies have no registered employees for a long time, which will inevitably cause trouble.


What is "long-term"? The reference period is 6 months. Within 6 months, companies should declare at least one employee salary and purchase one social insurance.


This is because according to Article 67 of the "Regulations on the Administration of Company Registration": "If a company has not opened business for more than 6 months after its establishment, or has ceased business for more than 6 consecutive months after opening, the company registration authority may revoke its business license" .


If the company does not even have an employee, how to explain that the company is in the "open state"? In the past "manual management era", government officials may not be able to screen out these "zombie companies" because they managed too many company accounts. However, in the government environment of big data, these corporate systems will be automatically screened out and reminded Specialized administrators of industry, commerce and taxation shall conduct on-site surveys or key management.


For companies that have no actual operations and will not operate in the future, the best way to deal with them is to cancel them. For companies with income and billing needs, the best way is to proactively declare at least one salary and social security. For special reasons, if the registered employee cannot be registered temporarily, the company's period should not exceed 6 months.



Does the company need to have employees? Although this issue is not expressly stipulated in the law, if a company is established for more than 6 months, it is recommended to declare at least one employee salary and social security, which will reduce the risk of supervision and inspection. If you have any questions about human resources, please consult GBAA.


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